Mailing has become a very effective marketing tool for companies. Especially now. But there are a few secrets to getting the most from your efforts. The USPS delivered over 160 billion pieces of mail last year to over 152 million homes and businesses. Mailings generally fall into one or two categories, but there are ways to stand out and get noticed
What’s in the mail? Have you noticed what’s in your mail these days? Lots of catalogs and standard business size envelopes make up most of the mail from the post office. In 2012, the Post Office introduced “Every Door Direct Mail” allowing business mailers to target customers by neighborhood – so we also see lots of coupons and postcards. Creating unique direct mail pieces that can be delivered, noticed and opened by your potential customers or clients is key to getting the attention and exposure you’re looking for.
Getting noticed. Here are a few ideas you can easily incorporate into your direct mail efforts to achieve greater exposure and better results.
1) Mail flats instead of standard business size envelopes. Because of their unusual size, flats get noticed! In general, a flat is a rectangular or square mail piece that, at least on one side, is too big to be considered a letter. In other words, if your piece has one of the following measurements, it’s a FLAT.
- Its shorter side is more than 6 1/8 inches.
- Its longer side is more than 11 ½ inches.
- Its thickness is more than ¼”.
2) Consider a series of mailings. On any given day, we encounter quite a bit of information. Sometimes, even when we want to follow up with something we’ve heard or read, we need reminders. Mailing 3 times will get you better results.
3) If you create a campaign, stick with one thought. Drive that thought home and you’ll be remembered. Your potential clients will act.
4) Print a teaser on the outside of the envelope. Adding a phrase that hints to what’s inside is a great way to entice your prospect.
5) Consider a colored envelope. Nothing gets attention faster than something that’s out of the ordinary.
For more information, or more ideas on how your mailing can prove effective, consider calling CMS. We can mail your flats faster . . . and save you money at the same time!
Call us at 718-439-1143 and let us give you a quote on your next job!