Keeping Communications Consistent. While some companies have gone silent over the last few months, or their communications have been mostly about Covid, other companies are working on the assumption that communication is key to retaining and growing market share. Frequent communications on services and products keeps company info in front of the customer. And it’s true that better communication leads to more sales success. What’s your plan? Can we help you create a consistent mailing campaign? Give us a call and let’s discuss.
Provide Incentives. What can you offer that will be an incentive to buy? As retail shops open, they have sales. Online sales offer free shipping or a discount. What can you offer? Quantity discounts, memberships, delayed payments, free service – these are all incentives that might spur your customer to do business.
Be Clever. The professionally designed mailing, the headline that grabs their attention, colors that intrigue – these are all ways to get recognized quickly. Perhaps it’s the packaging. If you have something to mail that’s bulky or irregular, give us a call. We’ll find a way to ship it that makes the receiver curious! You get the attention – and the sale!
Make It Personal. Whether your mailing is personalized, delivered uniquely, customized for the customer or individually wrapped, CMS can get it done for you! We have the staff and the expertise to make your mailing stand out from the crowd. Give us a call and let’s discuss how we can help generate sales in 2020!