Save on Direct Mail

If you’ve put off sending out promotional materials because it’s just too expensive, think again. There are ways that any company can save on direct mail. Here are a few:

The size of your mailing determines your discount. Here’s list of what you need to reduce your costs:

  • First Class Mail – 500 pieces
  • Standard Mail – 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail
  • Parcel Post – 50 pieces
  • Presorted or Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter – 300 pieces
  • Presorted Library Mail – 300 pieces
  • Presorted Media Mail (a.k.a. “Book Rate”) – 300 pieces

The method of delivery. First class or standard. Which will you use? (link to second article)

Sort your mailing list. Sorting according to zip code will get you better pricing.

Drop off your mailing. Take it to the post office where you have your bulk mail permit. This will also give you a discount.

Let CMS Handle Your Mailing. OK, you can make sure to follow the steps as we’ve mentioned above, or you can let CMS take care of it for you. While you may think it will cost you more to have a mailing company take care of the project for you, that’s not true. The time and stress you save are real – but so is the discount CMS gets from the post office because we commingle your mail with that of other companies – giving you a serious discount. Give us a call at 718-238-2919 and let us give you a quote for your next direct mail campaign.

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