With more businesses working at home these days, getting mail, and sending out mail, becomes a little more difficult. Even though many of our communications may be electronic these days, mail doesn’t stop. Recently a law office called us because they have mail coming into their office daily. Whether it’s correspondence from a client, signed contracts, legal notices or other information, it’s important that their mail gets picked up daily. And since everyone is working at home, the information must then be delivered to the right person. That’s where CMS comes in. We pick up their mail daily, sort it and make sure each piece is delivered to the right address. Then, at the end of the day, we make the opposite run – picking up the mail from various offices and residences – and delivering it to the post office.
The law office stays current, and in communication with clients, other law offices and the courts. Business continues as usual.
If this sounds like a service you need, give CMS a call. Let’s discuss your needs.