There’s a certain appeal to shopping for something in person. The touch of the fabric, the brightly colored display or the neat rows of clothing, waiting to be discovered. That personal connection is sometimes missing from eCommerce. So how do you reach out and elicit emotion from your prospective buyers? For the buyer to desire … Continue reading “eCommerce and Appealing to the Prospective Customer”
eCommerce and Appealing to the Prospective Customer
When Boxes Become Critical
Business is booming. Workflow processes are tight. Orders are coming in and shipments are going out. Customers who return again and again are precious. You want NOTHING to get in the way. And then comes the dreaded “BOX” decision. Seems like a small thing, right? It’s not the box your customer ordered, it’s what’s inside! … Continue reading “When Boxes Become Critical”
International Distribution Too Costly? Think Again.
You’ve read it in the news – the opportunity for business overseas. You’ve probably considered opening up your business to international purchases. But then, after some research, you said, “No way, it’s too expensive.” Cutting off your prospects. The truth is that not taking advantage of overseas orders is leaving your business short. It’s like … Continue reading “International Distribution Too Costly? Think Again.”
Rushing Into eCommerce
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that digital solutions win. While it is sad to see brick and mortar stores close, it’s also enlightening to see how many of them pivoted and became e-savvy! All of a sudden, as the results of the pandemic became obvious, we realized that many of the items … Continue reading “Rushing Into eCommerce”
eCommerce Sees Massive Growth in 2020
While 2020 was a challenging year at best for many small businesses, the success of eCommerce was well documented. Perhaps because many brick and mortar stores were closed, eCommerce led the way to a record-setting year. Certainly, small businesses that have struggled with online shopping are now finding ways to take advantage of the surge … Continue reading “eCommerce Sees Massive Growth in 2020”